

Page history last edited by Peggy O'Neill-Jones 13 years, 6 months ago



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Tuesday July 26, 2011 

Time Topic Activity Presenter Resources
8:30 Check In      

9:00 -


  Bus Tour of Dallas sites related to President John F. Kennedy     

12:30 - 1:30


1:30 -


Welcome Back

Thoughts from
Day 1

Mary, Peggy

Inquiry reflection packet

Dual Inquiry Reflection


TPS Goal 3: Teaching with Primary Sources; Goal 4: Exploring the Library of Congress

Wondering about Inquiry Learning and Primary Sources

1:45 -


Inquiry focus:


Connect and Wonder about Media and Culture

Peggy O'Neill-Jones, Mary Johnson

What do you know... Activity


How does the media affect the nation's sense of loss in a time of national tragedy?


Movies (McKinley's Funeral Cortege)


Topics in Chronicling America  

The McKinley Assassination


2:05 -


  REFLECTION: Wonder  

As a teacher: What questions will uncover the essential question? What strategies will promote 21st century learning skills? How do I put this in context and build content? 

As a learner:  What question do I really want to answer?  What 21st century learning skills will I use to develop good questions?  

2:10 - 2:20 Break      

TPS Goal 3: Teaching with Primary Sources; Goal 4: Exploring

Investigating Inquiry Learning and Primary Sources

2:20 -


Inquiry focus: Investigation

Searching for Primary Sources in American Memory Peggy O'Neill-Jones

American Memory


To consider:

  • Which collections seem most useful to you as a Learner?
  • Which collections seem most useful to you as a Teacher? 
  • Which presentations and activities seem most useful to you as a LEARNER?
  • Which presentations and activities seem most useful to you as a TEACHER? 
  • Can you identify any lesson plans, themed resources, or primary source sets that could save you time?
  • What tools can you find that might help you better understand teaching and learning with primary sources?
  • What useful advice can you find on the HELP screen? 


Digital Media Types









As a teacher: What instructional strategies do I use to facilitate investigation?  How do I reveal relevance and ensure rigor?


As a learner: What strategies do I use to investigate the question?  Is the work relevant and rigorous?  

Homework: 3,2,1 


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