

Page history last edited by Mary J. Johnson 13 years, 6 months ago



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Wednesday July 27, 2011
Time Topic Activity Presenter Resources
8:30 Check In      
9:00 - 9:10 Welcome Back Thoughts so far    

Goal 4: Exploring; Goal 5: Understanding legal/ethical use; Goal 7: Creating inquiry activities

Constructing Knowledge about Inquiry Learning and Primary Sources

9:10 - 9:20 Ethical Use of Primary Sources  Understanding Copyright  Peggy O'Neill-Jones 
9:20 - 10:00: Inquiry focus: Construct Constructing an Annotated Resource Set (ARS) Mary Johnson 

ARS Example

ARS Template

Permanent URLs 

Other ARS Examples

Downloading Primary Sources - See Additional Resources page.  

10 - 11:45 U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights  Presentation  Law-Related Education Team (LRE) 

Law-Related Education Website

11:45 - 12:30 Lunch      
12:30 - 1:45 LRE and Library of Congress: U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, cont’d. 

Activity options:

Create an ARS, DBQ, or continue your investigation of primary sources. 

Peggy O'Neill-Jones, Mary Johnson

Primary Source Constitution Activity


Document Based Questions (DBQ)  

Constructing a DBQ for your classroom using key questions


DBQ Template.docx


Building historical thinking skills


What Does It Mean to Think Historically...and How Do You Teach It?  VanSledright, B.




ARS Template


1:45 - 1:55




As a teacher: How do I facilitate relevance and meaning to the learning?  Does the work lead toward answering the essential question?


As a learner: How is this relevant to me?  What do my findings mean in the context of now/future? Did I answer the essential question?

2:00 - 3:00   Lecture: “Saying Farewell: American Society and the Loss of Our Presidents”  Dr. Dennis Simon, Southern Methodist University  
  Homework     Homework: 3,2,1


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