
Teaching with Primary Sources Institute - The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Page history last edited by TPS-Colorado 13 years, 6 months ago



Funded by a grant from the TPS Western Region at Metropolitan State College of Denver 


The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Teaching with Primary Sources Institute

July 25-29, 2011






This class applies an inquiry-learning model using primary sources available through the Library of Congress website.  The LOC has digitized over 19 million primary sources to bring learners the raw materials of U.S. society and culture spanning more than 200 years.  Crossing multiple disciplinary areas, these sources inspire curiosity, prompt interesting questions, and support investigations of these questions—thereby creating conditions that promote deeper thinking and understanding.


Presenters: Peggy O'Neill-Jones,; Mary Johnson,


 Core Concepts

  • What primary sources are. 
  • Reasons for teaching with primary sources.
  • How to teach with primary sources.
  • How to access and use primary sources and related resources from the Library of Congress.


Content Concept

  • Gain background knowledge related to presidential assassinations.  


Goals and Objectives


Goal 1: Understanding Primary Sources 

  • Objective 1a: Explain what primary sources are and understand their value in teaching.  


Goal 2: Analyzing Primary Sources

  •  Objective 2a: Explore the connection between primary sources and 21st century learning skills and habits.


Goal 3: Teaching with Primary Sources 

  • Objective 3a: Use primary sources to align instruction with Common Core and state standards. 
  • Objective 3b: Investigate the ways primary sources and various technologies can promote  inquiry, literacy, differentiated learning, and creative expression of knowledge. 


Goal 4: Exploring 

  • Objective 4a: Access, save, and present primary sources from the Library of Congress website that fit your instructional needs.   


Goal 5: Understanding legal/ethical use 

  • Objective 5a: Explore copyright, public domain and citation issues related to the use of digitize primary sources.  


Goal 6: Understanding the Inquiry Process

  • Objective 6a:  Examine inquiry learning models and methods.  


Goal 7: Creating Inquiry Activities

  • Objective 7a: Design and create inquiry-based learning activities using primary sources from the Library of Congress 




Annotated Resource Set (ARS).  An ARS combines a set of primary sources with a lesson plan.  The ARS contains thumbnail images and links to thematically chosen primary sources along with suggested instructional design components such as essential questions, standards, objectives, learning activities, assessment strategies and links to other related resources.





* This wiki is not an official publication of the Library of Congress and does not represent official Library of Congress communications.



Comments (8)

Bhudson said

at 9:45 pm on Jul 29, 2011

First, a million thank yous for the conference this week at the 6th Floor Museum. I have used your site many, many time -- even found the bulk of my research for a graduate paper on Abraham Lincoln from your site a couple of years ago. But this week I learned to use it as a teacher and I am so excited to get to work on this. I am especially eager to make weekly ARS pages for my students and fellow teachers as we strive to move from the textbook to documents and readings. Thank you for getting me further along on that path. Additionally I intend to apply for one of your grants. I would love for you all to come to Austin and work with our teachers. If you can let me know where to find additional information on that, I would appreciate it. So have not doubt, I will be using much of the material from this week's PD, and referring often to your WIKI and resources. Thank you again. Beth Hudson, Austin ( said

at 1:53 pm on Aug 8, 2011


We're glad to hear that you found value in the workshop!

We'd be happy to discuss our granting process with you. More information can be found at:

~Keith Patterson - TPS Western Regional Center

Bhudson said

at 10:55 am on Aug 9, 2011

Thank you, Keith. I have looked it over and visited with our Social Studies Administrator. I want to be clear about who conducts these workshops. Would one of your professionals in the Colorado office come to our city to lead the training? We are interested in pursuing this. Thank you again. said

at 10:48 am on Aug 10, 2011


We can send one of our trainers down to work with your group. I'll send you an email directly so we can talk about next steps.


Bhudson said

at 6:58 am on Jul 30, 2011

There is a nice story in the Dallas Morning News today but those of us who are not subscribers, especially if we don't live in Dallas, don't have access to it online. It will only allow us to see the first line and to see more we have to pay $12 a month to subscribe online. If anyone can get the full link and put it here, then we could all enjoy it! Thanks. Beth Hudson

pmoore2@... said

at 7:30 am on Aug 12, 2011

I am already putting together a presentation to show my department what I have learned at the Sixth Floor Museum Teaching with Primary Sources Institute. Unfortunately, my flash drive y'all gave us decided to not work at all. I cannot pull up anything from it. I also attended a round table of other IB History of the Americas instructors and showed them the ARS. They loved it! We all thought it was a good idea to teach our students to use them for their internal assessment paper and external essay that they have to complete to earn their diplomas. I can't wait for my copy of the map y'all showed us. It was magnificent. Thank you Peggy and Mary for coming to Texas. I too plan on applying for the grant! Hugs, Poppy

ehudson@... said

at 11:10 am on Nov 21, 2011

I believe I might be on here twice, as, and as They are both Beth Hudson. I have been creating Annotated Resource Sets with me preAP classes and now am beginning to work with these with my regular classes. They are catching on and it is helping us create some marvelous reading strategies.

david-crocker@... said

at 7:44 pm on Nov 24, 2011

Really enjoying what I've been able to use from the institute. Utilized some of the images and techniques we used for the McKinley Assassination. Even worked some of my resources into an existing lesson about collective memory in my Psychology class. It encourages students to interview relatives about the JFK assassination. Then brainstorm together about an event their lifetime and anticipate what they think will be remembered about the event, forgotten about the event, what should be remembered but won't be, etc.

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