
Day 4a

Page history last edited by Peggy O'Neill-Jones 13 years, 6 months ago



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Thursday July 28, 2011
Time Topic Activity Presenter Resources
8:30 Check In      
9:00 - 11:45       LRE: The State of Texas vs. Lee Harvey Oswald: A What If Mock Trial
11:45 - 12:30 Lunch      
12:30 - 12:40   Thoughts so far Peggy O'Neill-Jones   

TPS Goals 3: Teaching with Primary Sources;  7: Creating Inquiry Activities

Expressing Knowledge About Inquiry Learning and Primary Sources

12:40 - 1:00

Inquiry focus: Express

Technology role in assisting inquiry, 21st century learning, research and alternate presentation styles.

Peggy O'Neill-Jones

Primary Sources, Inquiry and 21st Century Learning wiki


Technology Example Wiki


Jeffco Colloquium Example Wiki

Teaching with Primary Sources: Technology Integration, O'Neill-Jones, P., Pearson, M.


1:00- 1:20

  Mobile Learning

Peggy O'Neill Jones

QR Resources


Waldseemuller 1507 map


Link to Waldseemuller Map Pieces

Bibliographic Information


Activity Reference Sheet


1:20 - 1:30  




As a teacher: How do I encourage creative approches of expression? What assessment strategies will confirm the learning? What media or technology will demonstrate the learning?  


As a learner: How do I demonstrate my learning through self-expression?  What communication skills do I use to express my learning?  What is the final product delivery medium?

1:30 - 2:30 Open Work Time    

Permanent URLs 


Quick Links 


Reading Rooms




Round Robin


Review the learning activities in pairs or a small group.  Discuss how you would change the activities for at least one of the following: ELL, Advanced/Gifted and Talented, and other differentiation.  Write your thoughts on the chart on the wall.



Reflecting about Inquiry Learning and Primary Sources     


2:30- 2:45


Reflections on Inquiry 


Peggy O'Neill-Jones 

As a teacher:  How do I build in time for formal/informal reflection during the learning process?  How do I acknowledge the power of reflection in learning?


As a learner:  Do I purposefully reflect on my learning throughout?  Do I acknowledge the value of my own metacognition and its contribution to my learning?

2:45-3:00 End of workshop survey     Post-Workshop Survey 


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